20 Benefits of Drinking Warm Water for Health

20 Benefits of Drinking Warm Water for Health Warm water has many benefits that are unknown to many people. What is known is only the benefits of warm water like ordinary water, which is to relieve thirst in the body. The benefits of drinking warm water not only that, but there are many other benefits that have not been known, especially in the field of health.

The benefits of drinking warm water in the health field are enormous. Good warm water is water that is colorless, smelly and also tasteless. Pure and warm water is better for health than water that has been mixed with sugar. Healthy water is warm water, pure, clear and of course has been through the cooking process so that germs and bacteria in it is dead.

Benefits of Drinking Warm Water for Health

In addition to pure warm water, warm water mixed with some fresh lemon juice can be more healthy body. To overcome certain conditions of warm water can be mixed using other ingredients. The benefits of drinking warm water are as follows:

1. Lose weight
Warm water can be useful to make the metabolism in the body to be healthy. For health, consuming warm water can make ideal body weight. As for who want to lose weight, warm water mixed with some fresh lemon juice can lose weight even up to a few pounds. The trick is as follows:
  • In the morning, you can start your activity with a glass of warm water.
  • Do not forget to mix lemon juice. Use a tea filter to keep the lemon seeds from entering the water.
  • Do not eat for 15 minutes for warm water mixed with lemon juice to react.
  • How it works from warm water lemon juice is lemon juice will break down fatty tissue accumulate in the body that is in some parts of the organs. Especially in the arms, thighs and stomach.

2. Reduce itching in the throat
When you cough, of course you feel that your throat is very itchy and hoarse. That's because in your throat there is a cough virus that causes itching. Drinking a glass of warm water can relieve itching in your throat. The warmth of the water can neutralize the cough virus that is in the throat.

3. Relieves Nose And Throat
When exposed to cough and runny nose, someone will feel the discomfort in the nose and also his throat. For a cough with phlegm, his throat will be filled with phlegm. So the sputum can clog the throat. Cough is also accompanied by a cold. When the nasal congestion will be clogged with snot. That's when you need warm water. Warm water can relieve your nose and throat from sputum and also snot. Warm water serves as a natural antibiotic so it can relieve nose and throat.

4. Natural Detox
Warm water can be beneficial for the natural detox process for the body. Detox is a great way to remove the toxins that are in our body. Many toxins are stored in the intestine, the cause is as follows:
  • The intestines are the digestive organs through which the food has been digested. Toxins or toxins of the body are generated mostly from food.
  • Unhealthy foods (fatty, oily, high cholesterol, high preservatives, artificial dyes and sweeteners) will also be digested and flowed into the intestines.
  • Unhealthy food can not be absorbed by the body, so the poison can stick to the intestine. Detok useful to remove toxins, especially toxins in the intestines through sweat, urine and feces.
  • If not removed the toxin can cause various diseases. The worst disease due to toxins that accumulate in the intestine is colon cancer.

To perform a one-time detoxification requires a high cost, but also must be accompanied by products supporting toxic expenditure. Now you can do detok for free and easy. Namely by using warm water. How to detox using warm water is as follows:
  • Drink warm water when you wake up, try to make your body becomes sweaty afterwards.
  • Drink warm water before you sleep, keep your body sweating. If warm water can not make sweats, add a little hot water.
  • When the body sweats, it indicates if your body temperature is rising.
  • When the body temperature increases toxins will be released through sweat, the rest will be released through the urine and feces. Do it regularly to get rid of all the toxins.
  • No toxins in the gut can avoid the risk of colon cancer. Especially colon and colorectal cancer.
  • Maximum results can be added with some lemon juice and honey.

5. Helps bowel movement
Bowel movement will be smooth if you consume warm water. Warm water can keep you from excessive thirst or dehydration. If you lack fluid and dehydration, you can get constipated. People affected by constipation will feel pain during bowel movements and also cause pain. The right time for defecate is in the morning. Try to drink warm water after you wake up, it's because in the morning your stomach is empty. The warm water you drink, can prevent dehydration and decompose the juice that is still attached to the digestive organs. Warm water can also make food particles become softer. Softer food particles make the bowel movement more smoothly.

6. Make Digestion Become Fluent
Warm water can cause digestion to be smooth. After you consume something try not to consume ice water but try to consume warm water. The reason is :
  • Ice water can coagulate oil and also fat in the body.
  • Crumbled oils and fats can cause tumors and even cancer.
  • Ice water can not absorb the content of food we eat, consequently any nutritional food if balanced with ice water can not be absorbed by the body.
  • Ice water can create fat deposits in the intestine. The accumulation of fat in the intestines can interfere with digestion.

If after eating your food replace a glass of ice water with a glass of warm water, you can avoid all of the above. The reason is :
  • Warm water is able to make the food perfectly absorbed.
  • Warm water is able to dissolve oil and fat along with the circulation of blood in the human body instead of clumping it or piling it up.
  • The remaining foods digested by the body are made into small particles, making it easier for the intestine to get rid of it through the feces.

7. Relieve Stomach Pain due Menstruation
During menstruation, the uterus is expelling dirty blood attached to the uterine wall. The release of dirty blood cells from the uterine wall is suspected to be the cause of cramping or abdominal pain. During menstruation, should not consume ice water. The reasons are as follows:
  • Dirty blood can not be released perfectly from the wall of the uterus.
  • Dirty blood that can not get out of the uterus just keep sticking to the wall of the uterus.
  • If dirty blood continues to accumulate without being expelled all, can cause cysts, tumors and even cancer.
To avoid all that you have to consume warm water. Warm water can ease dirty blood perfectly without the rest in the uterine wall. Warm water also facilitates the work of the uterus to release these dirty blood cells. The easier the uterus is to release dirty blood, the less the pain will be felt.

8. Blood Circulation
Warm water is also useful for blood circulation in the body. Hot water can dilate blood vessels. If blood vessels dilate, the flow of blood throughout the body becomes smooth.

9. Creating a Healthy Nervous System
A healthy nerve can be created with a glass of warm water. That's because consuming warm water can smooth blood circulation, smooth blood circulation can support the neural activity to be smooth. Nerve activity and undisturbed neural performance can make the nervous system healthy.

10. Relieves Cramp Legs
For those of you who feel cramps in the soles of the feet, it's good you overcome using warm water. Drink warm water mixed with a little honey. You can also soak your feet in warm water that has been mixed with salt for 15 minutes, massage your feet solemnly. Cramps will soon disappear from the soles of your feet. What to watch out for from cramps is as follows:
  • The foot cramps are accompanied by cramps in the palms of the hands.
  • Cramps appear at certain times such as during the night and also in the morning.
  • If the cramps repeat and at the same time (night and early morning), immediately check your health condition. The cramps can be an indication of diabetes, uric acid and cholesterol.

11. Calming And Stress Relieves
Warm water also has benefits for a person's psychic. If you're upset and upset. It's good in the morning you enjoy a glass of warm water while breathing in the morning air deep. It can soothe your soul and mind. The effect you will feel calm.

12. Eliminate Sleepiness
The benefits of drinking warm water is also very important felt in the morning, because many are still sleepy. Drowsiness can be caused by various factors such as sleep is not quality, sleep too late at night and wake up too early. To overcome your drowsiness, drink warm water. Try until your body sweats. Guaranteed, after you sweat for a glass of warm water. Your sleepiness will be gone.

13. Uplifting Spirits
In the morning many people feel lazy to perform daily activities. For example, clean the yard, clean the floor of the house and many more. Supported by cold morning weather adds to the sense of laziness. To arouse the spirit in the morning you should sip a glass of warm water first. Your sense of laziness will be lost replaced with the spirit that is inside you.

14. Dismiss the Cold
Rainy weather like this causes coldness in the skin of the body. Consuming warm water can increase body temperature. Increased body temperature can be helpful to ward off and relieve cold.

15. Making Sleep Well
You often wake up and wake up every night ?. It indicates that you have a less qualified sleep pattern. sleep that is not qualified can cause a person exposed to various diseases. For example, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and other chronic diseases. To make your sleep quality and more soundly, you can drink warm water mixed with mint-scented tea before bed. Better if you use warm water to soak your body. Your muscles and your body will relax. After the body relaxes, you will sleep soundly without waking up in the night.

16. Healthful
Warm water is beneficial for healthy organs. As we know beforehand that, warm water can be soothing and relieve stress. People with low levels of stress can make people healthy and avoid various diseases. Diseases that often afflict people with high stress is heart, stroke, high blood even malignant cancer.

17. Eliminating Nausea
When you are pregnant young, you will often feel nauseous when brushing your teeth. To overcome the nausea, preferably before brushing your teeth warm water first. Warm water mixed with mint tea can ease the nausea of ​​pregnant women. To rinse should also use warm water.

18. Relieves Toothache
Toothache can be relieved by warm water. That's because warm water also serves as an antibiotic. Pain when a toothache can be appeased using warm water. The trick is to drink warm water when your toothache relapse, after that also often rinse with warm water.

19. Eliminate Mouth Odor
The effects of drinking warm water can also eliminate and relieve bad breath is very disturbing. Effective warm water helps to reduce the residual plaque that sticks in the mouth which is one of the causes of bad breath.

20. Removing Fat
Hot water is very effective to help get rid of fat in order to be immediately processed into stool or urine and does not accumulate in the intestine. The result is very satisfying, the fat in the intestines will be destroyed before settling in the body.

Well, that's the benefits of drinking warm water that you can feel, this habit is very good done especially after the consumption of foods high in fat.

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