50 Benefits of Sports For Human Body Health

50 Benefits of Sports For Human Body Health The benefits of exercise have been known to the general public, but very few benefits are known by the community so many people who choose not to exercise. People who love sports are people who already know the importance of sports in life, unfortunately busy people work often ignore the importance of exercise. Every day, we are encouraged to do light exercise about 30 minutes. Public awareness to exercise is still very minimal so that only a few people who like to do sports.

People who never exercise will be very susceptible to disease, other than that the immune body of people who often exercise will be formed perfectly so that it can protect itself from various diseases. What to do right now is that people are beginning to realize the importance of doing sports and start exercising right now.

People only know one or two benefits from doing sports. Society also often mengait-ngaitkan exercise with diet or lose weight, so people who have the ideal weight sanction if you have to do sports. Though the benefits of exercise is not limited to just that. Exercise is very important for health as long as the way to do it right and not wrong. If the wrong in doing sports techniques consequently is the body will feel sore and will not benefit from the sport. It takes a strong adhesive in order to be able to exercise on an ongoing basis.

Benefits of Sports For Human Body Health

1. Enjoyable Feelings
One of the benefits of exercise to know is that exercise can make a person's mood to be happy, the reason is to sport all kinds of burden of mind that burden your mind lost. You will be preoccupied with your sporting activities so that the burden of thought is lost and make your mood happy.

2. Healthy Heart
Exercise done can make your heart healthy, the record is when you do a heavy exercise you have to make sure that your heart condition is healthy. Do not let when you are too excited in doing sports, you fainted and then taken to the hospital. This case occurs a lot to the artist as well as the general public. They are not aware that their heart condition is so ill that when used to exercise the heart is not ready and then there is a heart attack that endangers safety. If your heart is normal, heavy or light exercise will nourish the heart because the blood flow to the heart becomes smooth.

3. Increase Metabolism
Exercise can be used for increased metabolism. Metabolism is very important in the body. If the body's metabolism is disturbed, the person will be susceptible to various cognitive diseases such as decreased brain and dementia system.

4. Slimming Body
Bonus for people who like to exercise is going to get a lean body. A slim body can be obtained by undergoing sports such as jogging and also a mile treat. Exercise can also be used to form the body, it is because when jogging and doing fat mile treats in the pelvic area will burn so that a sleek body and a slim pelvis can be obtained.

5. Maintain Blood Pressure
If you suffer from high blood pressure, you can normalize blood pressure just by exercising regularly. High blood pressure can cause constriction of blood vessels in the body so that blood flow in the body becomes not smooth. If you exercise, the blood vessels will become wide so that the blood flow becomes smooth. Blood vessels will be avoided from orthoclochoses if you exercise regularly. Asteochlorosis is one cause of a person suffering from a stroke.

6. Burn Calories
Too many calories in the body can cause various health problems in the body. That's why the excess calories in the body must be burned and removed. How to eliminate it is to exercise regularly at least 30 minutes in a day can burn calories to the fullest.

7. Lowering Cholesterol
Bad cholesterol in the body and beyond normal limits is very dangerous for the body, because bad cholesterol it can cause various health problems. The most dangerous and cholesterol-induced health disorders are stroke and heart disease. Cholesterol in the body can make the narrowing of blood vessels so that blood flow to the heart and to the brain becomes not smooth. High levels of bad cholesterol in the body can be normalized by way of exercise.

8. Improving Insulin Quality In The Body
Diabetes can be caused by low levels of insulin in the body. Not only that, insulin is not qualified can also cause diabetes to appear. That's why the body always needs quality insulin to maintain the stability of blood sugar in the body. One way to improve insulin quality in the body is to exercise. Regular exercise can improve insulin quality in the body and prevent diabetes.

9. Extend Life Span
Because health is maintained with exercise, people who like to exercise will have a long life because of his penchant in exercising.

10. Burn Fat
Fat can cause obesity, fat also makes sugar in the body can not be absorbed perfectly. To reduce the fat that stuck in the blood vessels can be by exercising. Exercising regularly can make the fat in the body burn little by little and avoid the various diseases.

In addition to the above 10 benefits, exercise also has a variety of properties that should not be underestimated, the following sports benefits that can not be ignored for health.

11. Relieve Heart Work
Regular exercise can make the heart's performance a mild because exercise can help the heart to drain blood or pump blood throughout the body.

12. Blood Flow
Exercise can make the blood flow in the body becomes smooth. The reason is with exercise, the muscles become flexible, especially the muscles in the blood vessels. Flexible muscle can make blood vessels so wide that blood flow can be streamed smoothly throughout the body.

13. Increases Bone and Tooth Growth
For teenagers who are in growth, sports like swimming and other sports can increase bone and teeth growth. Especially if the growth is supported by a variety of nutritious foods and high calcium milk. The teenager can maximize the growth of bones and teeth. No wonder if teenagers who like to exercise will get healthy teeth and also a high body because of the maximum bone growth. Unlike adolescents who are lazy to exercise, bones can not grow to the maximum so that the body will be more sideways while the bones do not grow to the top.

14. Maintaining Bone Density
Regular exercise is supported by consuming high calcium milk can maintain bone density, especially spine. Light exercise like jogging every morning can make the bones more solid and sturdy. That means, if healthy bones, solid and also sturdy people who like to exercise can be protected from various diseases of bone. A dangerous bone disease is a disease of osteoporosis.

15. Preventing Obesity
Obesity can be prevented by exercising regularly. The reason is when you exercise, fat and cholesterol levels in your body will be burned while exercising so that your body will remain lean and avoid obesity or obesity.

16. Increase Sex Passion
Exercise can also increase sex drive, no need for sexual stimulants or special ingredients. Simply by exercising, the sex drive that had been declining or not is now reappearing. The reason is by exercising you can increase the hormone totesteron in the body, the hormone is a hormone that affects sexual arousal and libido someone.

17. Maintain Body Balance
Body balance can be maintained degan way exercising regularly. Unbalanced body will cause metabolic disorders, unbalanced metabolism will make a person susceptible to various chronic diseases.

18. Making Sleep Quality
If you are often awake at night or awake on the sidelines of your night sleep, you may be experiencing a sleep that is not qualified. Sleep that is not qualified can cause various kinds of health problems such as high blood pressure and heart. People who have not sleep quality can be searched cause. One of the causes of people experiencing unqualified sleep is excessive stress and hormonal imbalances. With exercise, stress can be overcome and can balance the body, especially the hormones that exist in the human body. If stress can be overcome and hormone balance is maintained then a quality sleep can be obtained. Having quality sleep is just the same as you are getting your health.

19. Prevent Insomnia
When you have trouble sleeping, try to exercise lightly. Insomnia can be overcome by regular exercise.

20. Maintaining Muscle Flexibility
Muscle body that is not used for exercise can be stiff and often exposed to muscle diseases. By exercising the muscles will become supple. When the muscle becomes flexible or flexible various muscle diseases such as muscle aches, cramps and many more can be overcome.

21. Improve Muscle Performance And Muscle Resistance
Not only muscle flexibility can be obtained by exercise, muscle performance and muscle endurance can be obtained. If the muscles are strong and the muscle endurance is good, the muscles will be easy to work with when used for heavy work especially work that relies on the performance of the muscle. The work is for example porters peluli, stone laborers and also farmers.

22. Helps Hormone Balance
Hormonal disorders can be caused by hormonal imbalance in the body. You should not underestimate the problem of hormones, it is because the hormones that are not balanced in women can cause women to bleed on the sidelines of menstrual period. Even hormonal imbalances in the human body, especially women can cause women to get cancer.

23. Avoiding Heart Disease
Exercise can be used to relieve the performance of the heart, if the heart's performance more lightweight various heart disease and heart problems can be overcome or prevent.

24. Improve the Immune System
Exercise can be used to improve the immune system in the human body. When you exercise, the antibody substances in your body will increase. It is these antibodies that make up the immune system of the human body. If the antibodies increase only the immune system in the body will increase. This immune system is useful to ward off various diseases in the body. When humans are exposed to the flu and also cough, by itself the immune system can cure diseases in the human body without drugs. Humans with a bad immune system, flu and cough that attacked him can not be treated just like that or can not heal just like that, so the person will have the flu and cough in a longer period of time.

25. Make Self Confidence Rise
Exercise also affects someone mental, sports can improve human mental health. When the human mentality is good, the human self-confidence will increase.

26. Keep Youth
People who like sports will look younger than people who do not like sports. The reason is with the sport makes the body muscles become supple and not stiff, especially the muscles in the face. Muscles that are flexible and also not rigid can avoid the facial wrinkles. Not only tiu course, people who often sweat when the sport can also make ageless. Exercise can smooth the flow of blood so that smooth blood flow in the body of a person can make the cell regeneration for the better.

27. Raising the Body
Especially teenagers, regular exercise can improve posture and make the body becomes tall.

28. Body Posture Can Be Fixed
Young people who have a hunchback body, posture can be improved by way of exercise. Most young people today suffer from a lump because of the wrong sleeping position and also the wrong seating position. The stooped posture certainly creates a sense of confidence. No need to worry, exercise in the gym can be used to improve posture.

29. Preventing Diabetes
Exercise can be used to maintain good insulin quality, if insulin quality is not good exercise can create insulin levels in the body to be good and quality. With quality insulin quality in the body can make you avoid diabetes. Not only that, regular exercise can prevent a person from obesity. People who do not have obesity will be protected from diabetes because sugar in the blood can be severed maximally without being hindered by the fat that binds blood sugar.

30. Eliminate Injury
If you have an injury, you can exercise to eliminate any injuries.

31. Helps Growth Of Good Cell In The Body
Good cells in the body will die if not maintained growth. Things that can inhibit cell growth both in the body are the factors of food and also free radicals. To maintain the growth of good cells in the body, you should exercise regularly so that free radical effects can be overcome.

32. Increase the Power of Joints
Exercise can also be used to strengthen joints. For example, when you jog, you will use a lot of leg muscle strength and also in the ankle. Joints that are often used to practice can be maintained.

33. Increases Brain Memory
A smooth blood flow to the brain from exercise can be used to improve brain memory. Although old but likes to do sports, the person will be spared from senility because the memory of his brain is well preserved through sports.

34. Healthy Lung
In addition to heart health, exercise can be used to nourish the lungs. The reason is when you exercise you will practice to train breathing. Your breathing will involve the lungs as the main organ of breathing. The more you love to exercise, the more you practice to train breathing. That's why your lungs will become healthy.

35. Counter Bad Free Radical Effects
Free radicals are all around us. Free radical impact is very harmful to the body. Free radicals that are around us can be prevented and prevented by way of exercise. Exercise can increase the cells both in the body, when free radicals will attack the body. Such good cells will automatically fend off these free radicals.

36. Increase Oxygen Flow Throughout the Body
Not only the flow of blood that can be waged by way of sports. However, oxygen flow can flow smoothly throughout the body. The oxygen will be passed through the blood vessels. The wide blood vessels and flexible muscle of blood vessels can ease the flow of oxygen throughout the body. As important as blood in the body, oxygen is also very important to maintain healthy body.

37. Relieve Pain When Arthritis
If you have arthritis, you can exercise. Sports that can be used to relieve arthritis that you are suffering.

38. Increase Concentration
Blood flow and oxygen flow smoothly to the brain can make your concentration increase. People who are not easily concentrated are people who lack oxygen and lack of blood in the body, especially in the brain.

39. Launching the Digestive System
Sport can also be used to launch the digestive system. While exercising, many sports movements involve the abdominal muscles. Abdominal muscles will be associated with the digestive system in the human body so that people who like to exercise will have a healthy digestion and also smooth.

40. Reduce Colon Cancer Risk
Since exercise can be used to smooth and nourish the digestive system, the benefit you get is that you will avoid colon cancer. Most colon cancer suffered by cancer survivors is not smooth and unhealthy digestive system especially in the colon. So the colon contains many toxins or toxins that can cause a person exposed to colon cancer.

41. Relieve Uric Acid Level In The Body
Uric acid is as dangerous as cholesterol. With regular exercise, uric acid levels in the body dalm can be normalized.

42. Reduce Breast Cancer Risk
Regular exercise can be used to balance hormones in the body, especially the female body. Hormonal disorders if not treated immediately can cause a person with breast cancer. To prevent breast cancer, you can exercise. The reason is that the exercise of hormones will be balanced, if the hormone balanced risk of breast cancer can be reduced.

43. Not Easy to Exhaust
Exercise can also make you will not easily tired, because the flow of oxygen throughout the body can be maintained.

44. Make Your Body More Energy
Sports done can make a person more berstamina and also make the body will be more berenergi. The reason is that the muscles of the body have been trained and also developed so that the muscles can be used to work efficiently.

45. Relieve Nausea Symptoms While Pregnant
Light exercise such as morning walks while breathing in the morning air is believed to be used to alleviate morning sickness in the form of nausea and vomiting in the morning.

46. Make Mood More Stable
Doing exercise regularly can make a person's mood more stable than before.

47. Alternative To Stop Smoking
Exercise can also be used to stop smoking. When you want to smoke, do exercise so that in your body will send a suggestion not to touch a cigarette.

48. Avoiding Uterine Cancer Attacks
Uterine cancer can also be caused by hormonal imbalances. To balance these hormones can be by way of exercise. Exercise can be useful to balance hormones, if the hormone is balanced risk of uterine cancer can be minimized. Research shows regular exercise can be used to avoid cervical cancer as much as 18 percent.

49. Relieves Stress
Exercise can be used to relieve stress experienced by a person. When a person experiences stress, the muscles in his head will tighten. Exercise can be used to flex the muscles. A flexible head muscle can be used to ease the stress experienced by the person.

50. Prevent Recurrence of Asthma
The facts show that breathing in the morning air while relaxing for 30 minutes can prevent the recurrence of asthma. If your asthma often recurs, you can train your breathing by breathing in the morning air while walking relaxed for 30 minutes. Asthma will not often recur overtake you. The reason is that clean air that has not been polluted with air pollution will clear your airways. Not only that, with breathing exercises every morning can make your respiratory tract widened. Asthma is mostly caused by constriction of the respiratory tract.

51. Avoiding Gallstones Disease
Research shows the fact that regular exercise can be used to prevent a person from getting gallstones.

52. Relieves Back Pain
A sore back or backache can be caused by a muscle in the back. By doing sports, the muscles in the back becomes flexible and back pain can be resolved or defused.

53. Increase Productivity
People who love to exercise, he will have a healthy body, a healthy soul and a healthy brain. Armed with it all, many people can increase productivity especially when he works. If his productivity increases it is certain that he will have many good opportunities in his life and can be used to improve the work performance that has been dreamed by many people.

54. Strengthens Ligaments
Exercise can be used to strengthen the ligaments, especially the ligaments associated with muscles, bones and joints.

55. Make Mental Stronger
Exercise can be healthy mental, a healthy mental can be used to form a strong mental.

56. Reduce Triglycerides Level In Blood
Triglycerides in the blood can be normalized and the levels can be reduced by exercising regularly.

57. Fixed Diet What to Do
Diet can not only be done by adjusting the diet alone, to improve your diet you can do sports. If you've been dieting with how to adjust your diet, exercise will perfect the diet you are living.

58. Keeping Relationships and Relationships
Sports together with friends and family can maintain relationships and relationships between you. When together to do sports will be a close relationship and emotional connection between you. No wonder if only by doing sports alone, relationships and relationships can be improved and also improved.

59. Avoiding Cognitive Reduction
Cognitive impairment can be caused by dementia. The cause of dementia is the lack of oxygen intake in the brain. A smooth flow of oxygen to the brain can prevent a person from dementia. The prevalent senile disease is Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Dementia and many others.

That's 50 advantages of doing sports. There are many more benefits that can be obtained by exercising. Exercise is important to do regularly to get maximum benefit. But do not exercise excessively so as not to cause pain in the body.

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